Twitter: More Transparency for Political Ad in the EU, India, Australia

Twitter: More Transparency for Political Ad in the EU, India, Australia


Twitter also wants to increase transparency in political advertising on the portal in the European Union, India, and Australia. Thus, only certified accounts should be able to switch political advertisements after the USA in these three regions. They should also be available for several days in the Ads Transparency Center for anyone interested. This should not only make it clear who is paying how much for political advertising, but also which target group should be reached in each case and how many clicks were counted.

More transparency in time for important elections
The Transparency Center had introduced Twitter last summer as a consequence of debates surrounding suspected different attempts to influence important votes. As demand on Twitter – and Facebook – the call for more transparency in advertising had prevailed. The new rules apply in the three markets immediately and should be enforced from March 11, Twitter states. Anyone who wants to advertise political advertising must now start the process of certification.

The EU, India, and Australia are therefore likely to have been selected as the next markets for transparency measures because there are important elections in each case. In Australia, it concerns seats in both chambers, in India, the important lower house, which is occupied in the most significant democratic election in the world, and the European Union for the increasingly influential European Parliament.