Endocrine therapy is effective against cancer: Study

Endocrine therapy is effective against cancer: Study

A study conducted on nearly 6,000 patients demonstrated the importance of endocrine treatment and a drug in treating breast cancer. Scientists from the Biosanitary Institute of Granada in southern Spain, led by Isabel Blancas Lopez Barajas and Sergio Granados, participated in this research. The results were published in the Annals of Oncology. They have been […]

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Radiological diagnosis of breast cancer: AI for better patient care

Radiological diagnosis of breast cancer: AI for better patient care

Called Mammography Technical Evaluation (MTE), this new feature will help radiologists and radiographers correctly position patients during mammography examinations. It was developed by Hera-MI, the French inventor of Breast-SlimView®, the only global breast cancer screening aid solution based on negativation AI. Technically insufficient shots The objective is to limit the dose of x-rays and to […]

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