Things that every pregnant lady should be aware of

Things that every pregnant lady should be aware of


After conceiving, they get an immense glow in their face which reflects the new phase of life, that every couple plan for. This blessing comes with a great responsibility which needs to be taken care of from the day 1. Many things should be kept in mind, though we have elders who can guide us well in this case, still, you need to have a talk with your doctor about this journey for a well smooth and comfort satisfaction. Well within the first few months of your pregnancy your paediatrician will definitely dawn talking to you about the immunization. Even if you keep full neat and clean home or surrounding by your side, use sanitizers or antibacterial products to kill the germs and bacteria around you, still, you need to stay concern about some most important options that are out to protect you from the very beginning of your pregnancy till the delivery. But it’s highly requested to accept it, we can’t force you it’s totally your choice but it’s best if you go for it to avoid future hurtful ramifications.

What is immunization? Why is it so important?

World Health organization WHO exemplify immunization as a course for making a person resistant towards infectious disease. The utmost average way to enact this is by giving a person a exact information about vaccines and it’s outcome. Once a vaccine infiltrates the body,  it helps the immune system to promote antibodies to fight against the virus and bacteria which cause motive illness. Vaccination is many, divided by age groups and by the term of diseases. Some specific vaccines are also available for them who have any sort of specific allergies by any products or medicines. Few vaccines that are vastly recommended for kids are:-

  • Chickenpox
  • Diphtheria
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Flu
  • Hib
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Polio
  • Pneumococcal
  • Rotavirus
  • Rubella
  • A whooping Cough
  • Tetanus
  • HPV
  • Tdap

Meningococcal and many more but this are important to take.

This all vaccines need to seize during a specific age range and period, for better knowledge you may consult your doctor or any child specialist for detailed information. They can guide you well in your 9 months journey and over more. They will feed you with better positive and negative effects of immunization. Some infections can be sterner during your pregnancy which can peril towards miscarriages, premature delivery or birth defects. That’s why it’s been advised from last few years to get immunization before conceiving. As after the particular vaccination you are not allowed to plan for getting pregnant at least for 1 month. As some vaccines are better to work before conceiving and some are better to immune after conceiving. This thing should be specially taken care of.

The pregnant lady is strictly said to avoid live vaccine like MMR or chickenpox etc. But are safe to take the influenza vaccine and many more under the doctor’s guidelines. Tdap vaccine is endorsed specifically for all pregnant ladies out there between the 27-36 weeks.

On a decisive note- Most of the vaccines are safe and approved to give securely to a breastfeeding mother.

For more details, you can check our official site – Guidelines for Vaccinating Pregnant women’s.

Start your beautiful journey, with a perfect goal for a better future. Your life is not only yours, it’s us – This thought can automatically motivate every parent. God’s gift also needs little effort to be pampered and taken care of.