SpaceX Is Taking Japanese Billionare Maezawa to the First Private Space Trip Around the Moon

SpaceX Is Taking Japanese Billionare Maezawa to the First Private Space Trip Around the Moon

News Science

As it was reported earlier, SpaceX has announced its candidate for the first private space-trip that would be surrounding the moon. Yusaku Maezawa, a Japanese entrepreneur and billionaire, would be the first private person to take a trip to the space, and SpaceX would hold the record of making that happen. Maezawa is an important figure in the fashion industry of Japan, being the Chief Operating Officer and founder of the online fashion retailer platform named Zozo. Maezawa was also a drummer before turning his career into internet entrepreneurship and business right now. SpaceX had said that it would make the announcement on 17th.

SpaceX made this announcement at the rocket factory of the company, also adding that Yukasu Maezawa is the right person for the job. It should be noted that not many people have managed to take a trip to space, and even those who managed to do so were astronauts, who were professionally trained. Though Maezawa would receive proper training before the trip, he would be the normal human being to do that. The flight is expected to happen in 2023, and it will be making use of the Big Falcon Rocket from SpaceX, which is all set to commercialize space travel and improve options for public access.

Yusaku Maezawa is 42 years old now, but that has not restricted him from exploring other areas. He was also noted for purchasing antique art items. When asked about the trip, Maezawa said that a few artists will be accompanying him in the revolutionary journey on BFR. Elon Musk, the man behind SpaceX, is confident that he would be able to take the BFR missions to the new levels. In two three years, Musk believes that the company would be able to start the first orbital missions. As said, the artistic space trip is 5 years away.