Real-time Translation Now Available to All Google Assistant-Enabled Headphones

Real-time Translation Now Available to All Google Assistant-Enabled Headphones


Pixel Buds is one of the best products designed and launched by Google in the accessories category. It had a number of features inside, including smart control and seamless integration with Pixel devices and of course the power of Google Assistant. One of the most awesome features in the list, however, is making its way to non-Pixel Buds headphones as well. Google has announced that Instant Translation would be rolling out to all headphones that are powered by Google Assistant. It means that if you have a Bluetooth headphone with Assistant, you can instantly translate what you hear.

This also means that Instant Translation will be available for non-Pixel smartphones as well. So far, only Pixel users were able to benefit from this seemingly-useful feature from the Assistant. According to what official page of Google says, Instant Translation would now be available for Assistant-optimized headphones and all Android phones. The feature is undoubtedly one of the greatest in town, at least when it comes to how AI is being used practically. Pixel Bud owners have been using Instant Translate for some time and the experience has been nothing less than impressive, although not the best per norms.

As of now, Assistant’s Instant Translate supports 40 languages, including English. A single command is able to equip Assistant to do the translation. Users can say “help me interpret Spanish” or “help me interpret French” and make the Pixel Buds listen to the foreign-language sound. In theory, the headphone would do the translation and play the sound in English, or your preferred language. Now that the feature is coming to a number of devices, it is likely to get popular and better. It goes without saying that Assistant AI would be taking inspiration from the experiences it has in the long run, you know.