Former US president George H. W. Bush dies at 94

Former US president George H. W. Bush dies at 94

Business News

Former US president George H. W. Bush has died. He was suffering from the disease of the blood infection. Recently, he was admitted to the hospital after being paralyzed. He was on a wheelchair for a long time due to illness.

Bush’s family gave this information on Friday late night. His son and former US President George W. Bush said in a statement: “Pocket, Neil, Marvin, Doro and I are very sad to announce that our dear father died after 94 years of commendable life.”

George W. Bush’s spokesperson released his statement on Twitter. He said that George H. W. Bush was a correspondent person and the best father.

The 5th President of India was George W. Bush. Bush visited India in 2006. Bush came to India at such times when America waged war in Afghanistan against 9/11 terror attacks.

In April 2018, his wife Barbara Bush died. Former US president George H. W., 94 Bush died on Friday night at around 10 o’clock. Barbara Bush, who worked for the pre-American women and the spread of literacy, died at 92 years of age.

Bush’s family consists of sons and former presidents George W. Bush and Neil Marvin and pocket, daughter Dorothy Bush Coach and 17 grandchildren, grandchildren

In 2001, when George W. Bush became president, Barbara Bush became the only woman in American history, who saw her husband and son elected for president during her lifetime.