According to photographs from Google Earth, Saudi Arabia has almost completed the work of the nuclear reactor. According to these photographs, the Nuclear Research Facilitation Center is located on a corner of King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology. Seeing this preparation of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia is a panacea in a terrific country like America.
Google’s satellite image shows that nuclear reactor work is almost complete. Due to this project, Saudi Arabia is facing protests from around the world. At the same time, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Power has said that its purpose is nothing but peaceful scientific research. Saudi attempts to use nuclear technology without signing international rules are being criticized around the world. After this disclosure, there is a possibility of protesting this move of Saudi Arabia once again around the world.
However, Saudi has already admitted that its nuclear program is moving forward. The advancement of Saudi Arabia for weapon control experts is worrying because Saudi Arabia has not yet signed any international treaty on the nuclear issue. At the same time, Saudi Arabia has also said that this would be just a civil nuclear program. Unless Saudi Arabia is contracted with the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, countries that offer nuclear fuel will not supply nuclear fuel to Saudi Arabia.