Pilots visited UFOs near the coast of Ireland, investigating agencies

Pilots visited UFOs near the coast of Ireland, investigating agencies


After several commercial pilots have seen brightly flying things with bright light, Ireland’s Aviation Authority has been investigating the case. According to the BBC, at 06:47 local time at 06:47 a British Airways pilot contacted the Shanan Air Traffic Control on Friday and told that he saw something moving very fast. Pilot also wanted to know whether there is a military exercise operating on the west coast of Ireland.

According to the Guardian news, the female pilot said, “There was something that was running at a breakneck speed. He came towards our left hand and turned towards the north. His light was high-speed, and he disappeared very fast. ‘

The pilot was told that there is no military exercise operating there

Pilots of other aircraft operating in that area talked about seeing a bright light and UFO sightings. Virgin Airlines pilot said that this may be a meteorite.

A pilot said that the speed of UFO was “Astronomically, like Mac 2” – which is twice as fast as the speed of sound.

This report is getting viral on social media. Many people are saying that the aliens did not come to Earth.

Irish Aviation Authority spokesman told the Irish Times that she is investigating the matter and will file a report in this regard soon.