Ebola Outbreak in DRC is the World's Second Largest: WHO

Ebola Outbreak in DRC is the World’s Second Largest: WHO


Democratic Republic of Congo has been witnessing one of the biggest Ebola outbreaks during the past few months. According to the latest reports from WHO and Health Ministry, the DRC Outbreak has been called the second largest Ebola outbreak to have happened in the world. Before the rise of the issue, the outbreak in West Africa and Uganda used to hold the records. Now that more than 426 cases of Ebola have been either reported or confirmed, the state of DRC has surpassed that of Uganda and stays second to the West African outbreak, which registered more than 28000 cases of Ebola.

Congo isn’t a country that is new to Ebola outbreaks. The country has witnessed a huge number of outbreaks in the past but the one of 2018 is extremely alarming. In various provinces of the country, more than 245 people have died due to Ebola infection. The worst part is that the health officials and WHO have not been successful in isolating the infected or preventing the spreading of the disease due to the ongoing assaults against them. Several armed groups have been resisting the efforts to prevent Ebola from spreading to the other areas of the country.

“This tragic milestone clearly demonstrates the complexity and severity of the outbreak,” said the head of the International Rescue Committee. Following the aforesaid attacks against WHO, several agencies were pulled back from the areas. Several issues have been acting as hindrances to recognizing and preventing the impacts of Ebola outbreak in the past. For instance, the ignorance of the public has led to a situation where many are resistant to take preventive vaccination but would rather go for religious curing processes. These social interactions have in fact worsened the situation.