New Study Says That No Amount of Alcohol Is Good For Health

New Study Says That No Amount of Alcohol Is Good For Health


It has been long believed that a small amount of alcohol is good for health. It also got translated into a very popular notion that occasional alcohol consumption is okay as well. A recent study published in The Lancet, a medical journal, is there to break all those assumptions. The study says that no small amount of alcohol consumption can be considered healthy. It has proven that however low the amount of consumption is, the sole use of alcohol would result in some health issues. The survey comes down to the conclusion that it’s best to stay completely away from alcohol if one wants to be healthy.

According to Max Griswold, the leader of the study, things go like this: when a person starts at a lower rates, the health impacts are comparatively lower. However, in the course of time, even when there’s one drink a day, health issues would increase dramatically. To quote the study leader, “Previous studies have found a protective effect of alcohol on some conditions, but we found that the combined health risks associated with alcohol increase with any amount of alcohol.” It basically means that, although not instant, there will be a notable impact for any amount of alcohol consumption.

The study has taken into consideration the data from 1990 to 2016, taking data from 195 locations across the globe. So, it is talking with respect to the number of disease as well as deaths. After consulting with this data, the study also concludes that consumption of alcohol results in most cases of premature deaths, even in 2016. Considering the age-group of 15 to 49, 3.8% of female deaths were connected to consumption of alcohol. When it comes to males, the amount of deaths connected to alcohol goes all the way up to 12.2%. This all should prevent you from saying the next time that ‘red wine is good for health’.