FDA Announces Voluntary recalls of Several Medicines that Contains Valsartan

FDA Announces Voluntary recalls of Several Medicines that Contains Valsartan


The Food and Drug Administration recall a common drug that is used to treat high blood pressure and prevent heart failure. The drug, Valsartan, is the most common chemical compound used in heart medicines, but not all heart medicine that contains Valsartan are involved in the recall of FDA.
The reason why the FDA recall is due to the presence of an impurity NDMA, it is a chemical compound that is usually used in rocket fuel, lubricants, and softeners. Based on the resulting laboratory, this compound could cause cancer.
What is NMDA and what are the side effects?
NMDA is a semi-volatile organic chemical compound that forms in both industrial and natural processes. It is formally used in the rocket fuel, antioxidants, and additives for lubricants and used as a generic compound of other generic medicines. The good news is, after detecting side effects; many pharmaceutical industries have stopped distributing its Valsartan medicines.
The primary concern of FDA in recalling Valsartan drug medicines is that the latest animal studies found that NMDA can be toxic and cause liver cancer, fail kidney and damage respiratory tracks. If it is exposed to the highest level, it can damage the liver and pancreas also.
Additional findings:
The drug manufacture affected include, Major Pharmaceuticals, Solco Healthcare and Teva Pharmaceuticals industries. Because of Valsartan is used in the medicines to treat heart conditions, patients should take care of recalled drugs. But the question is how to determine whether the FDA recalls the product or not. All you need to be do, look at the company and drug name that is present on the label of the bottle. If the information is not on the bottle should contact the pharmacy that manufactures. If you know the internet and how to use it, you can also check the Valsartan medicines list that is reported on the FDA website.